Cancer and Natural Medicine
Putting the odds in your favor

When its about cancer you cannot use the word cure and
you cannot use the word prevention, but you can put the
odds in your favor.

Both the National Cancer Institute and the American
Cancer Society state there is no known prevention for
cancer, Why! Because outside something like cigarette
smoking – a known cause of lung cancer – or extreme
radiation exposure, the reasons for getting cancer are
unclear and very broad.

Right now there are about 12 million diagnosed cases of
cancer in the US. Although there are about 100 forms of cancer,
1/3-1/2 of those cases are lung cancer, the other half is dominated by breast,
colon and prostate cancer.

To quote the American Cancer Society again, ” One out of
every 3 Americans will develop some form of cancer in
their lifetime”. .

Considering.the fact that cancer kills 625,000 Americans each year; it
may be wise to at least begin to look at things that can
help put the odds in your favor never to get cancer or if
you do that there may be valuable things that natural
medicine can offer.

Generally speaking cancer takes a long time to develop
and many things have to have gone wrong in our bodies
to let it happen.

The immune system has multiple mechanisms (with
multiple back ups) to destroy cancer cells, to stop mutations
and to stop mutations from ever developing into
cancer cells.

So what has happened and why. Why has
the immune system fallen down on its job. There are five
things that can damage the immune system and all five
can directly contribute to cancer
1. viruses
2. free radicals
3. toxins
4. deficiencies
5. stress
Often a number of these things are happening simultaneously
in us to undermine the immune system’s response to cancer.

Cancer is a multi-faceted multi-layered disorder: it is
both complex and unpredictable, but it has weaknesses.
One oncologist I spoke to called it the perfect machine.
In truth cancer is wasteful and must sacrifice a lot of itself
in order to succeed.

It is a disease that thinks and
uses our bodies to promote its ends. However it still
needs favorable conditions and anything that can undermine
its progress is worth looking at. Especially if it is non-toxic.

Prevention is working the immune system and strengthening the core energy of the body.
Treatment is working core energy, the immune system and the cancer

Lets look at some general approaches through diet, herbs and
supplements that can be used.
Cancer cells love sugar and refined carbohydrates, they
eat about 5 times the glucose that a normal cell does.
They also thrive in low oxygen environments. Both things
are approachable.

Stop sugar and refined carbohydrates and increase oxygen through mild exercise, diet and some supplements.

Cancer cells produce lots of free radicals. which are unstable molecular structures that damage anything they come in contact with.

A variety of antioxidants in reasonable dosage has been proven to reduce
these damaging substances. One arm of this approach is to make our bodies
internal environment less hospitable to cancer.

A way of working with the immune system is to feed it;
give it the nutrients it needs to function well, i.e. good
quality whey powder, glutamine (an amino acid) herbs
like reshi mushrooms, astragalus, siberian ginseng along with
a variety of supplements.

One of the premises of this article is that the use of natural
medicine in conjunction with standard medical practice
is a way better deal for cancer patients. The other is
that natural medicine can also assist in trying to prevent
cancer by putting the odds in your favor.

Cancer is the disease most feared by people.
By presenting some of these facts, the attempt was to
expose the extent of this disease.
The US is lagging far behind in adopting an integrated approach to cancer and to assert itself in developing preventative programs.

If you have any questions feel free to ask them below.
Comments on the topic are really appreciated.

Thanks for reading.

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