That the health of our mouth , gums and teeth is indicative of our general health is not just a principal of Natural Medicine, but of Standard Practice Medicine as well. Something as common as gums that bleed easily from brushing or flossing is often an indicator of larger systemic problem (i.e. Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, Anemia). Things like mouth, tongue and lip sores can reflect problems in the stomach, liver, gall blabber and or the Herpes 1 or 2 virus. The tongue as a diagnostic tools has been in use in traditional medicines for too long to remember.

When I am helping someone in the area of oral health, the approach has to be both systemic and localized. So I do things for their whole body as well as things directly for the mouth. Systemic is more complicated: Local is simpler.

1. STRENGTHENING THE GUMS: Tooth brushing with powdered myrrh. This is a tough love method of strengthening and cleaning the gums. Using myrrh as a gargle for sore throat and as a general mouth wash works well too. Other herbs and supplements can be added to widen the effect, folic acid for 1.

I have used these types of oral formulas for loose teeth and gingivitis with good success. Myrrh is strong in taste and is a mild abrasive. After brushing, wash your mouth out well and then brush again with tooth paste. Good to have 1 tooth brush for myrrh and 1 for your tooth paste. Bleeding and weak gums need to be taken a little more seriously by the general public. I always recommend a blood test if I see this, in order to rule out a number of the above mentioned problems that can go with bleeding/ weak gums.

2. LIP SORES: Powdered licorice or fresh Aloe Vera applied to lip sores is a big help. Taking lysine and reducing things in the diet that are high in arginine ( peanuts, rice ) will help reduce outbreaks. Helping the immune system and modulating stress response is a must if out breaks of Herpes 1 or 2 is irritatingly often.

3 ULCERATION OF THE TONGUE OR INSIDE THE MOUTH:  Poor diet, upper gastro irritation or food allergies can be causes. Again, using myrrh and licorice tea as a mouth wash as well as correcting diet, should bring improvement. Anti viral herbs, as well as herbs that clear what is known as stomach heat in Chinese herbal medicine, may help as well.

4. OFFENSIVE BREATH: This is often not from the mouth or teeth, but from the stomach. Gold thread is a specific for this. Bitters are also helpful. Tonsils can also be a cause. Gargling with a combination of sage and a small amount cayenne will bring down pain, inflammation and congestion of these important lymphatic glands.

5. WEAK TEETH: Teeth are bone. When I see this, I will request a Bone Mineral Density Test (BMD). The same test that is used for osteoporosis. If it comes up positive, I would put that person on a bone building program. In Asian medicine, different groups of teeth that have problems are reflective of channel or organ problems (i.e. problems of infection in bottom molars = large intestine difficulties )

6. POOR DIET/POOR ORAL HYGENE:  Both will cause lots of problems.

Good Luck and I hope this helps

Harry Chrissakis, Herbalist

Herbalist and Herbs.com

contact@herbalist-herbs.com    530-933-8244


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