This attempted rational will be followed by a treatment protocol that can be done at home.

The present model of treatment for Covid 19 is based on the result of the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic that killed 675,000people in the US. I am going to question that model and the results it produced in the practice of standard medical procedure, in terms of its treatment of flu and fever. It was said that that bug of 1918 was very strong, because those people were supposed to be very strong and it killed a lot of them. Let’s look at that first. In 1900 in the US, 85% of the population lived on farms. By 1925, that was almost completely reversed. People left farming to go work in factories in cities (the Industrial revolution was booming). They worked 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, with 1 day off every 2 weeks. They worked in terrible conditions usually inside and out of the sunlight. Living conditions, collective hygiene and diet were less than sub- par. Rickets in children was common (Vit D deficiency that causes a softening of the bones creating bowlegs in children). The population, in general, was undoubtedly Vit D deficient. It was estimated that 10% of the urban population in the U.S. had T.B.

 At that time there was a big push towards canned foods and sugar consumption. Sugar was purified into its present form around 1870. It became inexpensive to produce in the early 1900s. By 1918, per capita consumption was up to 100 lbs per person per year (presently per capita consumption in the US is 160 lbs per person ; that is 6 ounces per person per day). Two ounces of sugar can drastically reduce white blood cell count for about 3-4 hours after being eaten. These people were not healthy and compared to the US presently, we are in worst shape right now and the numbers prove it.

Let’s go into Standard Practice Medical treatment of the Spanish flu of 1918. Aspirin had been invented in the 1890s. It was considered a miracle drug of its time. Medical Science had no knowledge of aspirin poisoning.  A Doctor’s prescription for flu and fever was 3 grams of aspirin 3-4 times a day. That amount of aspirin is deadly. It was erroneously claimed that people died of the Spanish flu because they bleed to death. That is exactly what aspirin poisoning will do. Fluids will extravagate (bleed out). This was supposed to be a proof of how strong the germ was (E Boli can do this, because that is a strong microbe).  Let’s look at some of the other things they gave as well as aspirin. Heroin, Cocaine, Morphine, Mercury were commonly used to help treat Flu.

 Between the 1840s and into 1900s, 2 American systems of medicine evolved. These were the Phyiso-Medicalists and the Eclectics ( the third American based medicine is Osteopathy, which has little to do with herbs). Both of these groups produced brilliance in the arts of natural healing. Plants were their medicine. Their written works are still profound in the realms of healing (they treated flu successfully and saved many lives). They were eventually destroyed (outlawed by 1928) by the well organized Medical –Political group known as the AMA.  All the above things coalescing at around the same time produced the disaster of the Spanish Flu. People were immuno-compromized and weak. Standard Practice Medical treatment was deadly. Are we on this same track right now?

The Eclectics and Physio-Medicalists were keen observers. They studied influenza. What they came up with was the same thing the Chinese had arrived at 1500 years before (man and virus have been dancing for a long time). At that time in science there was no way of knowing the exact kind of bug it was (i.e Covid 19 already has 3 mutated strains). They could not know strain or subtype, yet each bug has its own personality, its own M.O. and that was what they could see from symptom complex. (Co-19 feels like a slower and cooler virus).  They were very keen observers and plant medicines were their pharmacy. They treated the patient based upon their constitution (how strong they were) as well as preexisting conditions along with the strength of the pathogen and the stage of the disorder. Each flu has a pattern and a 10-14 day cycle.

With flu comes fever. This one (Co-19) can present with a low grade fever and still kill. That fever has discernible stages and that suppression of fever, in general is a mistake, is a premise that was shared by both the Eclectic, Physio- Medicalists and Traditional Medicine in general . Look up fever in any modern physiology text. It will state that it is a normal function that’s part of innate immunity. It will also say that the body is responding to an invasion by raising its temperature to kill the invaders. Flu virus is killed at 100 degrees. Raising body heat increases antibody production by 20 times. Fever rapidly accelerates the production of white blood cells and sequesters and binds iron so that bacteria or virus cannot use it. All premo stuff.

The data is pretty solid on the fact that the use of aspirin and or NSAIDS( like ibuprofen) to help lower fever also lowers antibody and white cell production which in turn reduces immune function and prolongs down time. Over the counters are not innocent drugs. Between 1954 and 1980 many small children died of aspirin poisoning (actually thousands), before medicine figured out what it was. Inflammation and fever are the correct responses of the body. Stepping on them unnecessarily produces poor results. And, yes, there are times when you need to blunt or lower fever, but not as a knee jerk reaction. (generaly based on fear and ignorance)

Ventilators have minimal success because, in general, they are the wrong way to go. Ventilators can and do, create problems of their own. (ventilators can induce pneumonia). Eighty five percent of people over 65 who are put on a ventilator for more than 1 day will die. Putting a 1 size fits all therapy for flu, which is like a rapidly changing weather system, means somebody is not paying attention. Treat the stage of the flu as it presents itself to you. If there is a dry cough (many cases have this early on) sooth it and slow or stop the cough. Plants work great for this. If they have shivering and cold, sweat them and keep them hydrated. If they have shivers and heat alternating give them things to relax capillary congestion and liver irritation. If there full on sweating, other things are used. Convalesce is the last stage of flu and has a yet another group of plant/supplement/nutritional agent to help the body recover. All of this and still taking into account any preexisting conditions that may need to be supported during the process i.e Heart Condition, Cancer, Diabetes. Physiology is a living, dynamic, fluid model of our body. It is parts of the laws of nature being revealed. Laws of the body. Physiology is the western minds medical paradigm, as yin and yang is to the Asians. It is an umbrella under which details have scale and relativity. Add to this, the empirical knowledge gained though many centuries of observation and human experience that traditional medicine has collected (Chinese, Ayurvedic, Tibetan, and American Eclectic/Phisio-Medacalists) and you begin to see the thrust of Natural Medicine. It’s actually strategy. The dove tailing of the 2 worlds of science and empiricism is entirely possible. The only limitation is the mind. 

Harry Chrissakis


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