The death toll in the US is unbelievable! Corona virus is reaching into younger and younger populations of adults and children. It does not appear to be any kind of mutated strain that is doing this. So what is happening? Is it that the virus is finding the weakest in the populations and killing them? Why are people 8 years old to 60 so weak? What is the thread that binds that previously non- affected population (younger adults and children) as well as the population most at risk; post 60 with pre or underlying conditions. The underlying conditions of the undiagnosed older population and that of those much younger is shaping itself more around Metabolic Syndrome. It is a syndrome and not a disease because it has multiple symptomatic results. You do not need to have all those symptoms to have Metabolic Syndrome. Metabolic Syndrome is on a continuum with type 2 Diabetes (it is often called pre-diabetes) and if you look at the parameters that determine it, you begin to see similarities in a multiple generation population. Many Covid patients are overweight(central obesity), many have elevated glucose, elevated insulin (insulin resistance) as well as elevated triglycerides and high blood pressure, before they get Covid.  All hallmarks of Metabolic Syndrome. Most Docs who see blood glucose at say 106 and blood insulin at 16 think nothing of it. Once again, I and the people who I trust say blood glucose at 90-95 and insulin below 5 are at safe levels. These are realizable numbers. When Blood glucose is above 95, oxidative damage becomes mutiplicative not additive. Many of the issues that result from Metabolic Syndrome reduce immune function directly or indirectly, mostly through the process of inflammation. Both elevated insulin and elevated glucose are pro inflammatory, setting up a nice bed for Covid to proliferate. Systemic inflammation impacts immunological resistance. It just a lot easier for the virus (or another microbe) to take hold and expand under those conditions. The numbers of people who have Metabolic Syndrome in the US is about 80 million plus. The number of Type 2 diabetics in the US is about 45 million. Put those 2 numbers together and you’re looking at 30-40% of Americans. Both Metabolic Syndrome and type 2 Diabetes are reversible. Both can be turned around and normalized with Natural Medicine. We do not need pharmaceuticals to do this. Being overweight or obese (the numbers are staggering) is a risk factor for all cause mortality. Ninety five percent of type 2 diabetics are overweight or obese. Diabetes is also reaching much younger people. Metabolic Syndrome is also a basis for being overweight and obese. Both Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes are drivers of Heart Disease (Kills 650,000 Americans a year) and Stroke ( Kills 300,000 Americans per year). This does not include the people who have heart attacks and stroke and survive in a debilitated condition. Many of the people who die from Covid have cardio issues. Seventy million Americans have high blood pressure issues, which is almost always in conjunction with other vascular issues.

After all that we could still ask ourselves, So why are

so many Americans dying of Covid 19? Let’s look at Standard Practice Medical Treatment of Colds and Flus. Cold=Antibiotics; Virus = anti-virals and or vaccine. We have neither anti-virals or a vaccine for this virus. Chances of an anti viral are small. Chances of vaccine better. Problem with a Flu vaccine is that they are only 50% effective in a healthy population under 70 yr old. Post 70, mortality actually rises slightly with vaccine application. Drugs they are using to treat Covid are Dexametazone (Steriod Anti-inflamatory) and Remdesivir (Anti –Viral). Remdesivir was developed in 2009 as a treatment for Hepititus C. It failed in that arena. Tried to use it on Ebola, it failed there as well. Side effects when used on Covid 19 patients specifically, are Respiratory Failure, Organ Impairment, low Red Blood Cell Count and low Platelet Count. It is very hard on the liver, which can be judged by the fact that it raises liver enzymes which is an indication of liver cell destruction. To paraphrase one of the Docs heading the Covid Ward in his hospital. “We have them on it (Remdesivir) and we think it might be working, but you can’t tell from looking at them”. Not a real confidence builder and the science is not there either. The company who manufactures it will gross 4-5 billion dollars over the next year.(Trumps use of a cocktail of monoclonal antibodies may have had the most effect). Both Dexametazone and Remdesivir do not have good track records for treating Covid.

 The general patient who comes into the hospital has already had the virus for at least a week. Using aspirin and or Tylynol for fever and discomfort and some o.t.c. cough suppressant, they have lowered their already compromised immune resistance. Metabolic Syndrome and type 2 Diabetes reduce immune function (Remember it affects 35% of the population, which equals about 130,000,000 people, so it is very common). Hard to breath, the

 Docs put the patients on respirators and the aforementioned drugs and they die anyway. The premise is: If you have nothing else just keep using a protocol that fails time and again. You see this a lot in cancer therapy. It is called guessing. I prefer to look at it differently. If it fails over and over again then it is time to look elsewhere. (One of the best places to look are traditional medicines. They have been treating flu successfully for thousands of years. The value of empirical knowledge is overlooked in Western Medical Science.)

First place is to lower Insulin Resistance while virus free. Lots of info on my web site about how to do that (HerbalisandHerbs.com). I view the Corona virus as an adversarial life form that stays alive for 2 weeks and while alive, follows its opportunistic pattern. Viruses are a lot like cancer cells. They do many of the same things in terms of out- thinking host resistance. But that is only true because the virus is given that opportunity. We can intervene. Metabolic Syndrome is a silent disorder. The body will slowly (over a period of years) adjust and change for the worse to accommodate. Prevention is best. This is why we need to blood test. To improve immune function as well as multiple other areas, start with lowering Insulin Resistance and getting rid of Metabolic Syndrome if you have it. Easy to see on a front line, inexpensive blood test. CBC/wdiff/Metabolic/Lipid panel. Get it at Life Extention for about $35

Harry Chrissakis, Herbalist



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