When I began studying Natural Medicine, some of the minds that influenced me where the German nature healers from around the turn of the 20thcentury. As different many of them were, they often referred to “A UNIFIED THEORY OF DISEASE “as the basis of their diagnostic and prognostic work. It was a model they were trying to develop on the limited resources of their then contemporary Physiology. They wanted to find the source of disorders and the common connection between all diseases. Much of it was drastically simplified because of the limited knowledge in many areas of science at that time. Those words UNIFIED THEORY OF DISEASE, produce a very powerful image in the mind of Healers and patients alike. But it is still missing something. In order to understand patho-physiology ( disease ) you need to have firm grasp of healthy physiology. Hence the change in title “UINFIED THEORY OF HEALTH AND DISEASE”.

So where do you go or better yet to whom do you go to get this theory, explained in a comprehensive, well organized, scientifically verifiable manner. You go to Donnie Yance. Donnie has been on the forefront of treating chronic and life threatening diseases successfully for at least 25 years. Donnie has managed to distill large amounts of material and synthesize it into a fluid living system, while at the same time eliminating the nonsense that tends to collect in many sciences if they are not well scrutinized. The system that Donnie has developed is called ETMS or The Eclectic Triphasic Medical System. The model he has developed is based somewhat on Chinese energetic medical theory but maintains its strongest base in western medical sciences; Physiology, plant, supplement and nutritional agent pharmacology, diet, herbal medicine, a good working knowledge of western drugs, (especially in the area of cancer). His knowledge of and use of modern diagnostic technology can easily match any very good medical professional. The use of diagnostic technology is one of the cornerstones of the ETMS Basically this man can talk turkey to any Doc in the areas of testing or drug use therapy and speak fluently in their scientific language. For me personally, if was refreshing to walk into his office and only see 2 framed certificates of accomplishment . One in herbal medicine and 1 in nutrition. I have been studying Donnie’s work for at least 10 years, listened to many taped lectures of Donnie speaking at the Southwest Conferences on herbs and healing( mostly about Cancer )as well as studied directly with him for an intensive on his system. I continue to study his work, because I truly believe he has created something unique; A living dynamic model of health and disease. Because of its intelligence and organizational excellence, the ETMS can be taught and learned (with lots of study, pre and post ).

Looking at Donnie from the level of accomplishment, this man is like a dynamo. He runs a full practice (a very full practice) has his own supplement, herb and nutritional products company (which produces excellent products) which also has a strong R+D side to it, so that he continues to develop new and very interesting ideas in his product lines. He is also a very good lecturer and teacher and posses a deep, wide knowledge of the areas he speaks on. The Centre for Natural Healing, which is the name of his clinic and his products company ( Natura )are based in Asland, Oregon.

Harry Chrissakis, Herbalist,, 530-933-8244

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