It is actually more than a thread and it reaches further and wider than neurological disorders. This is about finding the crossover connection between these brain disorders. Many of the same pathological processes are part of many diseases, which is a premise of natural medicine. A unified theory of disease has as its basis a living, fluid, moving and dynamic model. It is only through this kind of model that we can discover the basic problem/problems of a disorder and hopefully eliminate it. The blood stream never lies, but its’ information can be applied to a static model (pharmaceutical ) or a living model (Natural Medicine). Looked at from the perspective of continuity and connectedness, proper blood testing can show a large amount of useful and applicable data. It can show the direction our body is taking and it can show it like nothing else can. Western Medicine knows a lot, it simply forgot how to connect the dots and the pharmaceutical companies have worked very hard to help create that amnesia.

That these neurological disorders share a similar basis can be seen through testing. Many of the aberrations that show up in the blood test have been going on for a very long time. Damage is slow, constant and almost imperceptible by the patient. This is another reason that regular front line blood testing is a necessity. All have free radical oxidative damage and low level continuous inflammation in their bloodstream, which can be measured by CRP, Homocysteine, ILL 6 and 8 levels.  All have damage to the area of the cell that produces energy for the cell: the Mitochondria. Many, if not all, have endocrine decline, and multiple deficiencies including Vit D, folic acid, B12, and B6 (all critical to proper brain function). A common finding is Insulin Resistance or its full blown compliment Diabetes. Excess insulin and glucose damage the brain and you get both if you have either Insulin Resistance or Diabetes. Pathological stress response (relatively continuous stress response without proper recovery) damages the brain through the excessive production of cortisol  ( a stress response hormone ). All modern chronic diseases have pathological stress response as a major component, both in creating the disorder and in accelerating it. It is a very common finding in people with neurological disorders that their thyroid has been under functioning, probably for years or even decades. Thyroid function is critical in maintaining metabolic rate of the cell. Metal toxicity induced neural damage has been well established. More common offending agents are copper, iron, mercury, all of which can be removed from our system through the use of natural medicine. A person suffering from cognitive dysfunction, may have many of the above stated difficulties at once. Actually, as a practitioner, you can almost count on it, because these problems are so common. Some difference between Parkinson’s and the other neurological problem are as follows:  Low cholesterol level (too low is no good either). Low levels of the neurotransmitter Dopamine, which has a lot to do with motor function; Excess iron loading in the cells  (oxidative nightmare); Environmental toxicity. Many of the other influences are the same as the ones mentioned above that are common to cognitive impairment. Some differences in Alzimer’s are beta amyloid plaque and fibrous tangles in brain tissue and abnormalities in at least 5 different neurotransmitters

In working with this type of profile some of the first things that need to be done is to slow or stop oxidative damage and inflammation. Deficiencies have to be tested for and brought up to normal levels. The endocrine system needs to be brought back into balance (inclusive of Thyroid). Toxic excess must be cleared or minimized. Blood sugar imbalances have to be worked with. Stress response needs to be modified along with proper feeding of the nervous system. All this need to be accompanied by a deep feeding of the neuroendocrine system through the use of highly concentrated nutritional agents as well as supplements and high ratio extracts of Tonic/Adaptogenic herbs. All the various problems that go into creating mental impairment, can be tested for and can be greatly improved through the use of Natural Medicine. Stage of degeneration is of paramount importance. From the time a cognitive disorder begins to show, there is about a 10 year period to slow or even reverse problems.

Harry Chrissakis, Herbalist

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